HERO STAR SPECIAL STEEL CO., LTD. on üks tuntud tootjate, tarnijate ja eksportijate Tööriista teras, koos tehase Taiwan. Kellel on aastatepikkused kogemused rida tehes oleme tuntud oma väljapaistva jõudluse tööstusele. Oleme aidanud end ühe juhtiva tootemargi Taiwan. Me pidevalt uuendada meie tooteid, mis vastavad rahvusvahelistele standarditele. Me peame meeskond spetsialiste, mis annab õigeaegselt sünnitusel kõrge quality.Our siirus ja raske töö on aidanud meil vastavad oma kvaliteedi vastavus rahvusvahelistele standarditele.



“In HERO STAR SPECIAL STEEL, our priority is to provide the best products, with top-line service which matches our clients’ needs the most!” - Mr. San Chi Wu, the founder

Hero Star Special Steel, a reliable importer, supplier and exporter in Taiwan Steel market for over 40 years. With its rich industry experiences and depth of dynamic team of experts, Hero Star Special Steel serves the market with top-quality steel and metal products with customized solution-oriented premium customer services.

At Hero Star Special Steel, we work with reputable world class mills overseas, such as Sanyo Special Steel in Japan, Hyundai Steel in Korea and many other well-known domestics to provide high standards steel products based on individual client’s needs. A wide range of services including processing, consulting and technical supports are rendered in providing comprehensive solutions to our customers from various industries specializing in machinery, molds, fasteners, equipment manufacturing.

Hero Star Special Steel treasures the long-term relationship with our global business partners. Our proactive response and the quality-driven beliefs has helped many partners both in Taiwan and overseas in their sustained business development, and we will continue serving their needs in the future.

Meie siirus ja raske töö on aidanud meil sobitada ka meie

Tööriista teras

rahvusvaheliste standarditega. Vastavalt eri liiki tootmise nõudmisi, pakume täiuslik teenused teile.